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Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS Colloquia & Seminars:The complexity of computing Markov perfect equilibrium in general-sum stochastic games
一般 随机博弈 马尔可夫完美均衡 计算复杂性
第七届高性能科学计算国际会议(7th International Conference on High Performance Scientific Computing)
第七届 高性能科学计算 国际会议
The conference takes place in the building of Ta Quang Buu Library , which is located on the campus of Hanoi University of Science and Technology,
The conference proceedings with selected high-qualit...
2018年IAENG国际科学计算会议(The IAENG International Conference on Scientific Computing)
2018年 IAENG 国际科学计算 会议
The International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists 2018 will take place in Hong Kong, 14-16 March, 2018.The 26th International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists ...
2018年亚太地区高性能计算国际会议(International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region)
2018年 亚太地区高性能计算 国际会议
High performance computing is a key technology to solve large problems in science, engineering, and business by utilizing computing power which has been evolving to the future. HPC Asia, which is an i...
2018极限科学研讨会(Workshop on Science at Extreme Scales: Where Big Data Meets Large-Scale Computing Tutorials)
2018 极限科学 研讨会
The program opens with four days of tutorials that will provide an introduction to major themes of the entire program and the four workshops. The goal is to build a foundation for the participants of...
Increasingly large data sets are being ingested and produced by simulations. What experience from large-scale simulation is transferable to big data applications? Conversely, what new optimal algorith...
第四届国际数学与计算会议(Fourth International Conference on Mathematics&Computing 2018)
第四届 国际数学与计算 会议
Welcome to the official website of Fourth International Conference on Mathematics and Computing 2018. It is a premier forum for the presentation of new advances and research results in the field of Co...
2018年SIAM并行处理科学计算会议(SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing)
2018年 SIAM 并行处理科学计算 会议
The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics is proud to present the Eighteenth Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing. This series of conferences has played a key role in pr...
第二届现代数学方法与高性能计算科学技术国际会议(2nd International Conference on Modern Mathematical Methods and High Performance Computing in Science & Technology)
第二届 现代数学方法与高性能计算科学技术 国际会议
International Conference on Modern Mathematical Methods and High Performance Computing in Science and Technology (M3HPCST 2018). The M3HPCST 2018 will provide a forum for engineers and scientists in a...
第八届SIAM组合科学计算研讨会(The 8th SIAM Workshop on Combinatorial Scientific Computing)
第八届 SIAM组合科学计算 研讨会
CSC18 will be the 8th workshop in a series that provides a top-tier forum for presenting original research on the design, implementation, application, and evaluation of combinatorial algorithms and da...
2017年数学建模与科学计算专题会议(Special Session: Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing)
2017年 数学建模与科学计算 专题会议
The special session on Mathematical Modelling and Scientific Computing aims at bringing together researchers, mathematicians, scientists, engineers and practitioners throughout the world to present th...
第六届世界计算工程与技术大会(The Sixth World Congress on Computing,Engineering and Technology)
第六届 世界计算工程与技术 大会
The Sixth World Congress on Computing, Engineering and Technology (WCET) brings together leaders from governments, NGOs, international organizations, research institutions and private sectors to discu...
2017第四届生理计算系统国际会议(2017 4th International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems)
2017 第四届 生理计算系统 国际会议
Physiological data in its different dimensions, either bioelectrical, biomechanical, biochemical or biophysical, and collected through specialized biomedical devices, video and image capture or other ...
Astonishing advancements in high performance computing has made running large-scale, computationally-intensive applications a daily practice in the oil and gas industry. Those include anisotropic dept...
Computing Global Characters
Global Characters
Let π be an irreducible representation of a real reductive group G. The global character θπ of π may be considered as a function on the regular semisimple elements of G. The global character determine...