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Sustainable production and consumption can be defined as production and use of products and services in a manner that is socially beneficial, economically viable and environmentally benign over their ...
《Sustainable Production and Consumption》Volume 36,March 2023
《Sustainable Production and Consumption》 Volume 36 March 2023
《Sustainable Production and Consumption》Volume 36,March 2023.
《Sustainable Production and Consumption》Volume 35,January 2023
《Sustainable Production and Consumption》 Volume 35 January 2023
《Sustainable Production and Consumption》Volume 35,January 2023.

2024年9月26日,北京林业大学国家林草经贸研究院程宝栋教授课题组在环境科学与生态领域1区TOP期刊Journal of Cleaner Production(SCI影响因子为9.7)在线发表最新研究成果《How does improving agricultural mechanization affect the green development of agriculture? Evide...

湖北工业大学机械工程学院智能制造技术团队在《Journal of Cleaner Production》发表最新研究成果(图)
Journal of Cleaner Production 激光 加工工艺
中国科学院动物研究所专利:Recombinant broad-spectrum Metarhizium and production method and application thereof
中国科学院动物研究所 专利 broad-spectrum Metarhizium

synergistic pyrolysis of biomass and polypropylene for alcohols and hydrocarbon production
synergistic pyrolysis biomass polypropylene alcohols hydrocarbon production
内容简介:使用热重分析法(TGA)、热裂解-气相色谱质谱联用法(Py-GC/MS)对不同热解温度(450 ℃、550 ℃和650 ℃)、不同混合比(100:0、75:25、50:50、25:75和0:100)的油菜秆和富氢塑料聚丙烯的共热解行为、热解产物分布规律及共热解过程中存在的协同效应进行了详细的分析研究。TGA结果表明,在相同热解温度条件下,混合物中聚丙烯的比例增大过程中热解反应的速率与强度...
【论文发表】课题组在《Energy》学术期刊发表论文Catalytic co-pyrolysis of poplar tree and polystyrene with HZSM-5 and Fe/HZSM-5 for production of light aromatic hydrocarbons
Catalytic co-pyrolysis poplar tree polystyrene HZSM-5 Fe/HZSM-5
内容简介:本文使用Py-GC/MS技术在550 ℃条件下研究了杨树和PS的热解,以及它们在HZSM-5和Fe/HZSM-5上的热解情况。Py-GC/MS分析结果显示,在HZSM-5的催化下,杨树的热解中碳氢化合物的比例增加,含氧化合物的比例下降。在Fe/HZSM-5的催化下,杨树的热解更有利于酸类、醇类和酯类的生成。在杨树与PS经HZSM-5催化共热解过程中,呋喃和酮类等含氧化合物的相对含量显著降...

Sustainable Production and Consumption|中国农业大学农学院张海林教授团队在我国水稻秸秆还田量优化研究方面取得重要进展(图)
水稻 秸秆 还田量 优化研究
近日,中国农业大学农学院张海林教授团队联合农业农村部农业生态与资源保护总站等单位在Sustainable Production and Consumption期刊上发表了题为“Optimizing the rate of straw returning to balance trade-offs between carbon emission budget and rice yield in Ch...

2024年4月16日,工学院康峰教授课题组完成的“Development of a 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction-Based Apple Canopy Liquid Sedimentation Model”论文在环境科学与生态学领域Top期刊《Journal of Cleaner Production》(中国科学院一区TOP,IF="11.10)上发表,论文第一作者为...

2024年4月16日,工学院康峰教授课题组完成的“Development of a 3D Point Cloud Reconstruction-Based Apple Canopy Liquid Sedimentation Model”论文在环境科学与生态学领域Top期刊《Journal of Cleaner Production》(中国科学院一区TOP,IF="11.10)上发表,论文第一作者为...
A Review of the Sustainable Approaches in the Production of Bio-based Polyurethanes and Their Applications in the Adhesive Field
Green chemistry Lignocellulosic materials Vegetable oils Bio-sourced polyurethanes Adhesive
On account of the irreversible environmental damage caused by the utilization of non-renewable raw materials in industrial production, since the end of the twentieth century, the interest in replacing...