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Plant biodiversity struggles to return in wake of agricultural abandonment(图)
Plant biodiversity return agricultural abandonment
Decades after farmland is abandoned, plant biodiversity and productivity struggle to recover, according to new University of Minnesota research.NSF-funded researchers examined 37 years of data tied to...

中国地质大学科学技术发展院罗根明,谢树成等 地学院/BGEG国家重点实验室 Nature Communications,2018,Nitrogen fixation sustained productivity in the wake of the Palaeoproterozoic Great Oxygenation Event(图)
近日,《Nature Communications》在线刊发了中国地质大学地球科学院和生物地质与环境地质国家重点实验室学科团队的研究论文——Nitrogen fixation sustained productivity in the wake of the Palaeoproterozoic Great Oxygenation Event。该文第一作者为罗根明副教授。

In wake of hurricanes,floods and wildfires,NSF awards $18.7 million in natural hazards research grants(图)
hurricanes floods wildfires NSF awards $18.7 million natural hazards research
Hurricane Harvey: It dropped a record-breaking 50-plus inches of rain across parts of Texas and left behind widespread, devastating floods. Following in Harvey's wake, Hurricane Irma has spun another ...

Nature Climate Change杂志主编Bronwyn Davina Wake博士一行访问中国科学院地球环境研究所(图)
Nature Climate Change杂志主编 博士 中国科学院地球环境研究所
应中国科学院地球环境研究所曹军骥研究员邀请,2016年9月12-15日,Nature Climate Change杂志主编Bronwyn Davina Wake博士等一行5人访问中国科学院地球环境研究所并做了题为:“How to publish – natural climate change and other nature titles”的报告。

Nature Research高级编辑Monica Contestabile博士和Nature Climate Change主编Wake Bronwyn Davina博士应邀来访北京理工大学(图)
Nature Research高级编辑 博士 主编 北京理工大学
2016年9月9日上午,Nature Research高级编辑Monica Contestabile博士(Senior Editor for Nature Research)和Nature Climate Change主编Wake Bronwyn Davina博士(Chief Editor of Nature Climate Change)应邀来访并分别做题为“Introduction to Na...
Risk-Taking Behavior in the Wake of Natural Disasters
Risk-Taking Behavior Natural Disasters
We investigate whether experiencing a natural disaster affects risk-taking behavior. We conduct standard risk games (using real money) with randomly selected individuals in rural Indonesia. We find th...
Surfing a wake of light
Surfing a wake light
When a duck paddles across a pond or a supersonic plane flies through the sky, it leaves a wake in its path. Wakes occur whenever something is traveling through a medium faster than the waves it creat...
Vortex suppression and drag reduction in the wake of counter-rotating cylinders
drag reduction instability control vortex interactions
The flow over a pair of counter-rotating cylinders is investigated numerically and experimentally. It is demonstrated that it is possible to suppress unsteady vortex shedding for gap sizes from ...
Flight Deck Display of Airborne Traffic Wake Vortices
Flight Deck Airborne Traffic Wake Vortices
Over the coming decades, aviation operations are predicted to rise steadily, increasing the burden on already congested and constrained airports and terminal areas. It has long been recognized that a ...
Predictors of Sleep-Wake Disturbances in Breast Cancer Survivors Compared to Women Without Breast Cancer
Breast cancer survivors Sleep disturbances
Current evidence shows that sleep-wake disturbances are a persistent problem in women surviving breast cancer. The purpose of this study was to refine the knowledge regarding the incidence, prevalence...
The Aerodynamics and Near Wake of an Offshore Floating Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine
Aerodynamics Near Wake Offshore Floating Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine
Offshore floating wind turbines represent the future of wind energy. However, significant challenges must b e overcome b efore these systems can b e widely used. Because of the dynamics of offshore fl...
Free Wake Potential Flow Vortex Wind Turbine Modeling: Advances in Parallel Processing and Integration of Ground Effcts
Free Wake Potential Flow Vortex Wind Turbine Modeling Parallel Processing Ground Effects
Potential flow simulations are a great enginee ring typ e , middle-ground approach to mo deling complex aero dynamic systems, but quickly b ecome computationally unwieldy for large domains. An N-b o d...
Wind Turbine Tower Wake Interface.
Risk-Taking Behavior in the Wake of Natural Disasters
natural disasters risk aversion development
We study whether natural disasters affect risk-taking behavior exploiting geographic variation in exposure to natural disasters. We conduct standard risk games (using real money) with randomly selecte...
Natural noise and external wake field seeding in a proton-driven plasma accelerator
Natural noise external wake field proton-driven plasma accelerator Plasma Physics
Natural noise and external wake field seeding in a proton-driven plasma accelerator